Fours Head represents the first, and sometimes only, opportunity for Oxford and Cambridge to race each other before the Boat Races the following spring. The club was excited to be able to field four 4s: two coxless and two coxed. With no lightweight boat classes, all of our crews raced in open-weight academic categories.
Both coxless fours raced in the Academic Band 1 category and beat all three Cambridge University Lightweight Men's boats in the process. The crew of Nick Ryan, Ed Lamb, Tom Schwantje and Arthur Arnould finished 4th and bested two crews from both OUBC and CUBC.

Matthew Hamilton, Agamemnon Crumpton, Ben De Jager and Oliver Featherstone finished 8th in their category, behind heavyweight opposition.

OULRC's coxed fours started one behind the other and battled each other down the course with the crew numbered 271 overtaking their club mates around the outside of the Surrey bend. The crew numbered 270 contained Colson Andrews, David Yang, George Spill, Niels Wicke and Hanako Takahashi-Johnson. Maurice Gedney, Edmund Mortimer, David Streule, Harrison Kieffer and Chloe Tubman made up crew 271.

The next race for the squad will be Trial VIII's on Friday 13th December, which will be followed by a dinner at UL Boathouse with all alumni members invited.